The pomegranate is a fruit that is a bit out of the ordinary, but with many beneficial health properties. In this article we show you the most outstanding benefits of the pomegranate. Keep reading.

The pomegranate

The benefits of pomegranate

The pomegranate is an Infructescence. Fruit of a tree called pomegranate that reaches up to four meters in height, from the Punicáceas family. Small family of trees and shrubs, whose fruits have prismatic and rough seeds.

The fruit has a thick skin of scarlet or golden colour with a crimson hue on the outside. And numerous internal seeds surrounded by a juicy ruby pulp. In the East, it is considered a symbol of love and fertility

Nutritional Information (per 100g):

Calories: 83

Proteins: 1.67 g

Lipids: 1.17 g

Carbohydrates: 18.7 g

Fibre: 4 g

Sugars: 13.67 g

Calcium: 10 mg

Phosphorus: 36 mg

Potassium: 236 mg

Vitamin C: 10.2 mg

Vitamin B7: 7.6 mg

The benefits of pomegranate

Here are the main benefits of this delicious fruit:


The flavonoids in pomegranate juice can help prevent inflammation, product of osteoarthritis and cartilage damage The possible effects of this juice on osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis and inflammation of the joints are currently being studied.

It has an astringent effect

Thanks to its high polyphenol content, pomegranate has the property of helping to retain and absorb liquid from digested food. Making it difficult to expel soft and continuous stools. That is why it is sometimes advisable to treat cases of diarrhoea. In this case, this property is more specific to the peel with which you can prepare infusions.

Prevents hair loss

Regular consumption of pomegranate peel water will help stimulate hair follicles. Preventing the fall and helping it to grow healthy and strong.


Pomegranates also provide us with fibre. Which is precisely what is going to be responsible for delaying the absorption of sugars in our body. Providing that the increase in blood glucose is slower and progressive, and ultimately less.

That is why the consumption of whole fruits is related to health benefits. While the consumption of juices or other by-products in which fibre is lost is not related to these benefits.

It contributes to cancer prevention

Studies from the United States and Taiwan have proven that the consumption of pomegranate juice could slow the progression of some types of cancer such as prostate, breast, colon, among others.

Taking care of bone health

Due to its high amount of calcium and phosphorus, ingesting pomegranate helps bone development in children and adolescents. As well as manganese, which is a very important mineral for child growth. In the case of the elderly, it helps prevent the emergence of osteoporosis.

Preventing Alzheimer’s

The consumption of the extract of the pomegranate peel provides a high amount of antioxidants that help improve and protect memory. Also, some studies indicate that it may also help protect the individual from Alzheimer’s.


One of the main benefits derived from the consumption of pomegranate is its antioxidant capacity. Pomegranate juice. As well as the seeds of it. They favour the neutralization of free radicals that cause the oxidative effects of our body.

Sexual performance and fertility

The concentration of antioxidants in pomegranate juice and its capacity to affect oxidative stress, makes it a potential fertility aid. Oxidative stress has been shown to cause sperm dysfunction and reduce female fertility.

The juice has also been shown to help reduce oxidative stress in the placenta. But researchers don’t yet know what exact benefits this can bring. Drinking pomegranate juice can also increase testosterone levels in men and women. Which is one of the main hormones behind libido.


Antiparasitic or anthelmintic, that is, against intestinal parasites such as tapeworm. The person responsible for this action is an alkaloid, pelletierine. Found mostly in the bark of the tree’s root. The peel of the pomegranate or the inner membranes of the fruit also contain this alkaloid, but not the grains.

Good when you do exercises

There is not much research yet and more studies are required. But the ones that have already been done. They have shown that pomegranate is rich in dietary nitrates that enhance exercise performance.

For example, a study with 19 athletes who ran on a treadmill showed that one gram of pomegranate extract Consumed 30 minutes before exercise significantly improved blood flow. Delayed fatigue and increased exercise efficiency.

How to easily include pomegranate in your diet?

While the recipes that include this fruit may not be well known, there are many out there. If you can’t find a recipe that interests you, or you want a quick way to eat it without cooking or preparing. There are also options for:

Some of the best and easiest ways to incorporate pomegranates into your diet include:

To drink it

Pomegranate juice. It is one of the best ways to enjoy all the benefits that this fruit has to offer. You can buy it pre-packaged, but it is essential to ensure that the content is pure pomegranate with no added sugars or additives.

If you prefer to play it safe, you can make your pomegranate juice by putting all the seeds in a juicer. or food processor Once you have done this, you may want to filter the seeds from the liquid before drinking it.

Another way to drink the juice is to add it to a smoothie. It doesn’t matter which smoothie recipe you use. You can throw a handful of seeds to the one you choose.

Put it in a salad

To give a touch of sweet flavour to your salad. You can add some seeds or make a vinaigrette with the juice. You can do this with a typical salad, or you can enhance a more flavourful salad.

Make it dessert

Some popular options include turning it into a creamy yogurt or sorbet. You can also add them to a cake. And bake them into cookies and cakes. The options are limitless. Since they can be added to almost any dessert.

Eating it alone

The seeds make a delicious snack on their own. Low in calories and packed with nutrients. A handful of seeds can give you all the benefits you need while holding you back until lunch or dinner.

This entry was posted in Medicine | Health and tagged The pomegranate, The pomegranate benefits, The pomegranate: Know its incredible benefits.