Strange events in Chernobyl 2019: In Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 the explosion of reactor 4 at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin nuclear power plant (located in northern Ukraine, which at that time belonged to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at 3 km from Prípiat city, 18 km from the city of Chernobyl and 17 km from the border with Belarus) gave way to the worst nuclear accident in the world, and the nearby sectors were evacuated.

Because of this Prípiat city is deserted today. After 33 years of the accident, strange events have taken place in this exclusion zone.

In this area, nature has claimed its territory. It can be seen that trees are already part of the houses and the roads.

in Chernobyl

Mutation (Strange events in Chernobyl 2019)

It is said that some of the people who survived the disaster mutated, and now they are dedicated to attacking the military guarding the reactor area. According to this theory, several soldiers would have died in clashes with the alleged survivors.

Even a user shared a video from Google Street View through a forum where it is visualized that, in a building and on the outside, you can see spilled blood that it is said it may be the product of any of these fights.

Apparitions (Strange events in Chernobyl 2019)

Experts say that, due to the increase in radiation readings, this place is more likely to generate paranormal activities.

in Chernobyl

Many claim to have seen mysterious silhouettes of people and shadows. Even what they think looks like doctors and firefighters walking the streets and inside abandoned buildings.

Noises from what looks like children playing and laughing.

Do you think it is possible that the souls of these people who died tragically are still in this place?

Leave your comment.

Strange events in Chernobyl 2019!!!