Elements and astrology: The 4 elements: Fire, earth, air and water are closely related to astrology because the 12 signs are divided into groups of three for each of these elements; that is to say that each of the signs belongs to a particular element. In other words, these 4 elements of nature can be defined as the archetypal energies that have their effect on our self, our consciousness and way of understanding the world. Due to this explanation the elements and astrology are rooted.

The theory of the four elements is very old (for example, in China it was developed in the second millennium BC) and originated due to the observation of nature.

Astrology has used this theory from ancient times to the present. Many astrologers use the four elements in their analysis, and also consider them an important part of the interpretation of the astral chart.

Elements and astrology


The fire element is connected to the joy of living, will and the ego. People of the signs of this element are usually jovial who speak bluntly and in an exaggerated way. In addition, they are authentic fresh and honest. However, poorly channeled fire can lead people to be capricious, and hysterical.

 The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.          

Elements and astrology


This element represents the material world. Therefore, those born under these signs are oriented towards the world of what is concrete and tangible. On the other hand, they need experiences that provide material security, stability, permanence, and structure. They are realistic, materialistic. Too much earth in the astral charts can lead people to be cynical, monotonous and attached to their possessions.

The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Elements and astrology


By being the most abstract element it is associated with the world of ideas and thoughts, similarly to the world of intellect, and mental body. These signs move in the space of ideas, intellect, mind, concepts and logic. They need to communicate, relate, and exchange what they know or think.

The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.


Water is the most receptive element of all since it does not have its own form. It is associated with healing, emotional responses and the unconscious and intuitive world. Therefore, these signs are linked to the emotional world, feelings and empathy. They are sensitive, receptive and compassionate.

Elements and astrology

The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

We hope this article helps you to understand the relationship between elements and astrology, as well as the primary characteristics of the signs with respect to the elements for you to use them in your favor. Do you know any other characteristics of those born under these elements? Write to us!