Weekly Horoscope II January

Here is the Weekly Horoscope II January Check your Horoscope corresponding to week II January where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Weekly Horoscope II January

Aries: March 21 to April 20

It will be propitious to choose the people with whom you want to relate in this new period of Mercury retrograde. You must understand that you need to be with people who can bring you new ideas and leave a positive impact on you, so you can grow with great qualities.

Weekly Horoscope II January

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Do not feel disappointed when some people are not taking into account your opinion to decide on some important matter in your environment. Remember that communications could be a little complicated in everything related to your environment.

Weekly Horoscope II January

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

You will observe some favorable changes in your work environment that will make you reconsider moving elsewhere or not. However, you should appreciate and value what this job offers you with respect to human quality and what the other gives you, very much in spite of the improvement in income.

Weekly Horoscope II January

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

You will feel a little overwhelmed with the arrival of Mercury retrograde, do not fear or panic, as you have the emotional tools to cope with any difficult situation. Show yourself more and more empathetic with your loved ones, they just need you to listen to them.

Weekly Horoscope II January

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Little by little things will take shape to reach good terms in your relationship, although communications become a little difficult with your family members, everything will improve as the days go by and the intensity of Mercury retrograde goes down.

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

It will be necessary to give more importance to intuition than to reason and you will see how things will begin to flow, without giving so much importance to negative thoughts. Avoid misunderstandings, so try to develop your communication as clear as possible.

Horóscopo Semana I Mayo

Libra: September 23 to October 22

It is advisable to read well before signing any contract or document that could involve you in an uncomfortable situation. It will be necessary to restore your energy so that you feel stronger and more balanced emotionally. Stand firm with your convictions. 

Horóscopo Semana V Abril

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Start some studies and learn the necessary strategies to develop your new project. Write down each of those strategies, analyze them and review everything you have done, to know if it is going well or not, if you are on the road to success or just get stuck in the attempt to achieve it.

Horóscopo Semana I Mayo

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Let go of any fears that the Mercury retrogradation may generate, see it as a natural period or process that will be happening during this 2022 at different times. So, just be prepared to receive it in the most innovative way possible.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

It is time for you to see this period as a time when communications and thoughts should take a break, to avoid further complications. Some of your electronic equipment may break down, send it to be fixed and everything will be solved.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

Try to reverse some things you have been doing wrong. Reflect and correct, it will be the most sensible thing you can do. The way you lead your life could be bringing you some inconveniences, since your family group does not understand your behavior.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Some unexpected events will occur with the arrival of Mercury retrograde. Try not to let this take you out of your emotional stability and take away your peace of mind. Above all, remain calm and gentle with other people; remember that not everyone is your friend.


Moon in Aquarius: The Moon in Aquarius and with Mercury retrograde starting, will make you feel a bit out of balance emotionally, you will want to cry and laugh at the same time. So the best thing will be not to make important decisions.

Moon in Taurus: The Moon in Taurus will generate some doubts in your family environment. Do not believe everything they tell you, it will be necessary that you yourself check the things they tell you.

Weekly Horoscope II January

With the beginning of this lunar phase, the arrival of the first Mercury retrograde of the year is expected, which will be in an air sign such as Aquarius and will end on February 3 in an earth sign such as Capricorn. During this week you will feel that everything goes backwards and many things in your life will be affected.

To cope more easily with the effects of Mercury retrograde, try to stay positive in the face of adversity and difficult moments through calm, reflection and meditation. It is a time for introspection and to review in solitude, what you are doing right or wrong.

Although it is best not to start any new project, you could finish those things you had already started, as well as reorder, recapitulate, review everything that requires your attention. Even if you need to close cycles with some relationship or situation in your life, connect with that person from the past and do it.

Weekly Horoscope II January: Time for reflection

Change course

When things have not gone very well as planned and certain stumbling blocks arise, perhaps even on a recurring basis, you will most likely decide to change the course you have chosen to obtain those usual results and thus achieve different things.

The first thing you must make sure yourself, is that you must trust that everything you have proposed to do, will be possible if you put all your efforts to achieve it. To do this, you must know and understand your habits, as well as the mental patterns with which you have lived until now.

Rest assured that your future can be managed, changed or altered by yourself if you set your mind to it. Remember that in your life there is no written end in which it says that you cannot achieve it and much less transform it with will, imagination and determination. So let’s get to work.

“Even if it costs and hurts….

many times it is better to change

the course of our path”
