Week III December Horoscope

Here is the Week III December Horoscope. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week III, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Week III December Horoscope

Aries: March 21 to April 20

For the natives of the sign of Aries, perhaps it is timeto dare to leave behind and forget everything that went wrong in this year and move on in everything you could do. Moment of reflection and introspection to review your inner self and achieve your goals.

Week III December Horoscope

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Venus in the House X, invites you to love yourself and be carried away by the imagination. Reactivate sexuality and fall in love with your partner again. It is important intimate encounters, more during this month of reconciliation and love. 

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Recover self-confidence. stumbles can scare you to keep going, however, perseverance, faith, hope must prevail in everything you are doing to improve your life. Go ahead with your forehead up, without looking back.

Horóscopo semana I Diciembre

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

During the Winter Solstice, not only will the tendency be to thrive, but you will do it in a way that will benefit everyone at your side. It is time to enjoy some simple pleasures and luxuries, without overdoing it. 

Horóscopo semana I Diciembre

Leo: July 23 to August 23

With the last quarter Moon, those born under the sign of Leo will have compensation and will reap the fruits of the sown. It is a week of creative, fun activities and total freedom for you. Opportunities that should not be missed will arrive at your door.

Horóscopo semana I Diciembre

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

This week will be charged with a bit of an exaggerated energy; you must use it in your favour. So you could make some mistakes because of your overconfidence, although it is not bad, you should be more cautious and act with some scepticism.   

Horóscopo semana I Diciembre

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Mercury transiting with Venus invites you to revitalize your life, this means starting new healthy diets, having new relationships, meeting new people and new contacts. Get out of your comfort zone and use all the advantages that the Universe provides to your sign. 

Horóscopo Semana II Noviembre

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

Mars the planet that personifies the warrior, is traveling in Scorpio, so your behaviour during this week will be more generous and warm, so much that the closest ones will notice. Take advantage of the energy that Mars offers to work with total dedication and devotion in your projects

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

The Moon in house VI, shows you your most sensitive side, Do not get carried away by your past and live the present, however, this can make you take refuge in your thoughts so that no one hurts you. It will have some ups and downs in regards to your mood.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

You will feel that you must take refuge in your friends. Your professional life will prevail over your family and emotional life, since in the latter you feel completely dissatisfied, having a conflictive and completely inharmonious home. Seek harmony and peace to make things better.

Week III December Horoscope

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

It is time for you to communicate honestly and spontaneously so that you can shine and give your best from your heart. Get away from double-sided people, you will really discover who your friends are and who are not. You can get a surprise. 

Week III December Horoscope

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

You are prepared to fight for everything you have set out to achieve. It is a great week for Pisceans who will be stronger than ever. Use that attraction that the Moon will give you during the week. Wait patiently for the good news.


Week III December Horoscope

Last Quarter Moon December 19/04: 57: 03 UT      

The moon in Libra: The moon in Libra opens the way to success, its balance will generate the benefits you have long waited in the workplace.

The moon in Scorpio: The Moon in Scorpio gives you the energy you need to take that adventurous path. Take some time for yourself and your family.

The moon in Sagittarius: your adventurous spirit betrays you emotionally.    The Moon in Sagittarius will make it difficult for you to remain anchored to the same couple for a long time. So think hard and don’t hurt anyone.

The moon in Capricorn: you will search in love for quality rather than quantity. That is why you will be increasingly selective, critical and thorough in the choice of your partner. Do not despair that sooner or later that ideal couple will arrive.