The brain of a Pisces: The passage of Mercury through Pisces points out an interesting stage for this sign, propitious for learning a lot of things, for knowing others, negotiating, traveling and making plans.

The brain of a Pisces

They are almost poetic. They are not oriented to details, but they are trapped by the feelings, the emotions and the states of mind that surround them. That is, they can get a very clear image of their environment.

Mercury in Pisces is a great listener and a great talker. They can be temperamental and this can reach their writing too. They are unpredictable and it is difficult to determine which their state of mind will be in a specific moment.

It is possible they tell you what they think you want to hear. They do this for you to feel as much comfortable as possible.

The brain of a Pisces

The brain of a Pisces

A dominant planet indicates an energy that impacts the person’s life on earth strongly; that is to say, we have to keep in mind that a planet is dominant when it is in conjunction with an angle, then such planetary energy can impact our life strongly through the Ascendant that represents our adaptation to the environment, to our relationships reflected on the Descendent, on our destiny or karma reflected through the Half Heaven or on our family environment or inheritance related to the Back of Heaven. When there are no angular planets, the ruling planet of the Ascendant fulfills such task.

The brain of a Pisces: A Wonderful World

In Pisces, Mercuryseeslifemore like an impressionist painting thanlike a made in a realistic style. That is to say, sounds, images, forms, memory, psychic impressions, emotional tones;all this is absorbed as part of a global perception.

Mercuryin Pisces graspsthe subtleties ofthe atmospherethat others do not grasp. That is, its perspectiveis a dream, andit oftenappearsin tune withsome distant message or interior vision.

All in all, every time a planet enters a sign, it points out a message for everyone; it doesn’t mind what your sign is; the planets are teachers that guide us.