Sun in Aries : In the birth chart, the sign in which the Sun is found gives us the sun sign, better known as the zodiac sign, which is the sign through which the Sun was passing at the time of a person’s birth. It represents the deep self, the true self, the basic identity. The will, the purposes in life. The Sun also means the paternal. In a man’s birth chart, the Sun, along with Mars, is part of his masculine identity, while in a woman’s, the Sun and Mars reveal his perception of the masculine.

Sun in Aries

What traits stand out in those born with the Sun in Aries?

The great need to expend the energy of those born under the Sun in Aries makes them very impulsive. They are fast paced, euphoric, fighters. They hardly give up on difficulties. Have the gift of convincing others, dragging the undecided. They are the first to play, always taking risks as an example for others. Frank and spontaneous, they do not keep cards hidden up their sleeves, which is why they tend to inspire a lot of confidence in their followers.

When they express their point of view they do so firmly and honestly, almost violently, as if boasting of their sincerity. The great complex of the Arians is that of trying to live as if they were always young, given their constant need to pour out their enormous energy. This creates problems of anguish for tomorrow, which generates concern about what is ignored. They can therefore become destabilized and become somewhat cowardly or indecisive.

Sol en Aries

Sun in Aries in love

In love, the Sun in Aries has a high libido as its main characteristic, that is, the natives of Aries are people who love with great passion and indulge in the sexual act. Due to high desire and euphoria, they may not be faithful initially and take time to stabilize in a relationship.

At work

These natives like to act in leadership positions and give orders. Despite that, they do not stop playing a good role in lower positions. They are objective and self-disciplined people, which contributes positively to the team they make up. However, for the sake of agility and being overly optimistic, they can get the job done in a hurry -which is not so good.

Sun in Aries as a family

Aries natives are extremely family-oriented people. They love being with relatives and having fun at family gatherings. When they have children, they are parents who give themselves entirely to them. Very dedicated, they do everything for the well-being of the children and the home. It is believed that no parent is more protective than one with Sun in Aries. But, as in other areas of life, they are easily irritated, which can lead to aggressive situations.

In friendships

The Sun in Aries marks personal relationships for honesty. With that characteristic, they are good friends and value friendships. However, as the characteristic of that native reveals in other areas of life, they can be somewhat aggressive and even impatient, which causes discussion among friends.