The anamú is a natural plant of tropical America, specifically of the Amazon rainforest and the tropical areas of Central and South America, in the Caribbean and in Africa. On the other hand, it has a strong garlic smell, especially in the roots.


To control excess sugar in the blood

Although not much research has been done on the effects of anamú on diabetes, several animal studies have observed interesting results. According to some research, anamú could cause a significant reduction in blood sugar levels. To clarify a study showed that blood sugar dropped by up to 60%. As a result, this lends credibility to the traditional use of the herb in Cuba, where people have used it as a treatment for diabetes for many generations.

As an anti-inflammatory

Due to its natural anti-inflammatory nature and pain-relieving qualities, it appears to be an excellent natural option for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism, which is one of its many traditional uses in South America.

There has been a certain amount of research that appears to validate its use in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. Research that came out of Sweden showed that anamú possesses COX-1 inhibitory actions. This is important as COX-1 inhibitors have become a very popular and also very profitable arthritis drug for big pharmaceutical companies.

For cavities and dental health

On the other hand, due to its antimicrobial properties, the leaves of the anamú plant are sometimes chewed to help strengthen teeth and prevent infection or cavities. No doubt chewing anamú leaf can also help your breath smell fresher.

Que es Anamú

To stimulate menstruation

Like many herbs, anamu is believed to be a natural emmenagogue, which means that it can stimulate blood flow to the uterus and help women stimulate menstruation. Of course, due to its emmenagogic actions, pregnant women and those seeking to conceive should avoid anamú.

Strengthens the immune system

The traditional use of anamú as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms and other respiratory conditions is likely largely due to its ability to boost the immune system. When the immune system is strong, we can fight viruses and bacteria that can cause illness.


Anamú can boost the immune system and give the body greater protection against cancer by increasing the production of killer cells and lymphocytes. The immune system’s production of interleukins and interferon offers even more protection against infections and cancer.

This research dates back to 1990, when Italian scientists found that anamú extract inhibited the growth of leukemic cells, as well as several other forms of cancer. Similarly, follow-up studies showed that anamú not only inhibited cancer cells, but also offered cytotoxic effects, meaning that it could actually kill cells. Anamú demonstrated this ability against lymphoma, leukaemia and breast cancer cells.

Several other studies published in the early 2000s found this herb to be effective against liver cancer and brain cancer. Later, more recently, an animal study published in 2008 found that anamú extract was effective against cancer cell activity in mice and concluded that it was a promising anti-tumour candidate.

Ways to consume it

Anamú is drunk in the form of tea at the rate of 20 grams of dried herb for each litre of water. It is taken ¼ or ½ cup three times a day. Similarly, it can also be used topically to cure bacteria or fungi on the skin. However, in health food stores it is possible to find it in the form of powdered herb capsules. The ideal in this case is to take 500 to 1000 milligrams divided into several doses.

Side effects

Although anamú is a very noble plant that has a large number of benefits, its consumption is not recommended in the case of pregnancy. This is because it can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. In addition, it is not recommended in the event that anticoagulant medications are being consumed. To clarify, because it contains coumarin, which has the ability to thin the blood.