Week I October Horoscope

Here is the Week I October Horoscope. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week I, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Week IV September Horoscope

Aries: March 21 to April 20

Jupiter in retrograde will have a profound impact on your life, bringing a powerful and transformative energy for those born under this sign, which will help you in growth and self-realization. You will open your eyes and realize that you deserve a better, purer and more peaceful life. 

Week IV September Horoscope

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Mars located between the Sun and the star Sirius will allow you to continue growing in everything that arises. It is necessary that your inner self be willing to evolve towards a better version of yourself. Practice yoga and meditation so you can acquire a daily routine that improves your spirit.

Horóscopo Agosto 2019

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

: It’s time to hear what your priorities are so you can make the changes you need to make. The here and now can alter the way you have become accustomed to seeing the world. This is very favourable, because it will allow you to put yourself in the shoes of others and be more compassionate. 

Horóscopo Agosto 2019

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

During this week the alignment of the planets favours breathing exercises to activate the oxygenation of your body and thus control and improve your conscious system. Activate your creativity in a way that helps you achieve your goals.

Horóscopo semana IV Agosto

Leo: July 23 to August 23

You can see an excellent week for you. He will take important steps in his sentimental life. As a result. It is time to put aside your fears and believe that you will not consolidate your relationship. In other words. Just dare. Your partner is waiting for you to take that step to consolidate your relationship.

Horóscopo semana IV Agosto

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

It will be a week of endless opportunities for those born under the sign of Virgo, so activate all your chakras to take full advantage of the signals of the universe. You will specify some businesses and sign the closing of investment contracts. Spend cautiously.

Horóscopo semana IV Agosto

Libra: September 23 to October 22

This week you will receive a surprise visit, so take caution and have the house ready to receive it.   Organize everything that is messy for energy to flow. Make sure things go in your office.

Horóscopo semana IV Agosto

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

The Sun in Leo is misaligned with Uranus, filling you with dreams and fantasies that are not real. Put your feet on the ground and begin to value everything that the cosmos offers you. Honour your commitments and get out of debt.

Week IV September Horoscope

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

The Moon in Sagittarius launches Saturn’s trine in Leo, fuelling your adventurous desire. Be careful with impulsive acts, which will affect your ability to make decisions. Put your feet on the ground, so you can make good decisions. 

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

You will have a strong week of work, so delegate functions to your staff, supervising it and exercising the authority that your position gives you. At the end of the week you will feel so tired that it is fair and necessary to relax with friends. Go out and enjoy the nightlife.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18.

The Universe tells you that it is necessary that you communicate with your Higher being, through meditation or dreams.   You need to release everything that disturbs you. First of all, let go of those old beliefs and sufferings that wither you and don’t let you flow.

Week IV September Horoscope

Pisces: February 19 to March 20.

The Moon invites you to shine and put into practice all that learning that you have accumulated through experience. Forget everything that makes you feel sad, go ahead and review every thought, feeling and emotion. Do not be dragged by the negative comments towards you.   Honour yourself and see how everything starts to change.


Week IV September Horoscope

First Quarter Moon October 5/16: 47: 05 UT  

The moon in Aquarius: Meetings with friends will be favourable to achieve some achievements and goals that were a bit stuck. Always what happens is the best. 

The moon in Pisces: A moon in Pisces favours you in all aspects of health. Have a medical check-up to evaluate and eliminate these small stomach discomforts.

The moon in Aries: The Moon opens the doors to spiritual energy, so that every wound of the past heals. Understand that the still is left still, stop searching in rough waters.