Venus in Scorpio personality

Venus in Scorpio personality: With Venus in Scorpio, the sexual emotions and desires are intense and passionate, jealous and secretive; there is a lot of...

The Descendant in the birth chart: What is it and what does it work...

The Descendant in the birth chart: The Descendant in the birth chart: In this article we will talk about...

Camael: The Archangel of Love

Camael is known as the Archangel of Love. His name means "The one who sees God" or "The one who seeks...

Aztec Zodiac Signs: Find out which one you are (Part One)

Aztec zodiac signs: In this article we will show you the first 6 signs corresponding to the Aztec zodiac...
mujer capricornio

How to bring a Capricorn woman back

When reconquering a Capricorn woman, her characteristics, such as her personality and character, must be thoroughly investigated. If you failed on the...
signos de agua

Water signs: Features

Sensitivity and introversion are the words that best characterize water signs. If you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then you are part...

Aztec Zodiac Signs: Find out which one you are (Part Two)

Aztec Zodiac Signs: In this article we will show you the last 6 signs corresponding to the Aztec zodiac...

How to win the heart of a Scorpio man

How to win the heart of a Scorpio man: The Scorpio man is the one born from October 24th to November 22nd....
Week I December Horoscope

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Week from 25 to 31 January

Weekly Horoscope IV January Here is the Weekly Horoscope IV January. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week IV, where...

Pisces and Cancer: Compatibility

Pisces and Cancer. Water + Water Pisces and Cancer have a lot in common,...