Weekly Horoscope II May

Here is the Weekly Horoscope II May. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week II May, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Weekly Horoscope II May

Aries: March 21 to April 20

Searching for new airs during this moon phase is what you really need at this time. Don’t be taken away from what you consider to be yours. Fighting for something doesn’t mean giving in to others; on the contrary, it means demonstrating your inner strength and the ability you have to concentrate to achieve it.

Weekly Horoscope II May

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Everything begins to become much easier for you, and this means that the things that you set out to do in this period or in this phase of the moon will achieve the success that you want. However, beware of the tendency to idealize some aspects of your life. Go forward without looking back.

Weekly Horoscope II May

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

It is time to start changing in some aspects of your life. Don’t be afraid to take on new responsibilities in your life. Start breaking those repetitive cycles that keep you from moving forward. Watch your thoughts, as they act independently on what you want to achieve.

Weekly Horoscope II May

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

You feel that you are in the best moment of your life in which everything flows as you always wanted. Remember that some things are fleeting and just happen quickly. Do not cling to anything; try to understand some situations that arise in your life, but without judging anyone.

Weekly Horoscope II May

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Take the moment to communicate with your loved ones and express what worries you so much. Listen to your intuition and establish or develop an action plan. Don’t be intimidated by other people who are always there to discourage you; stop listening to them and put them aside quickly.

Horóscopo Semana II Mayo

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Your generosity could be seen as weakness, so handle this matter discreetly from now on. Avoid that others have that perception of you, since at work it could harm you. Put the past aside and start moving into the present, which is what really counts.

Horóscopo Semana I Mayo

Libra: September 23 to October 22

You will feel a little worried about some financial matters that you need to solve as soon as possible. Make your mental activity work quickly so that you emerge triumphant from the situation. Shorten the distance between thought and action; remember that your words have a lot of power, so think carefully about what you are going to say.

Horóscopo Semana V Abril

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

It is a good week to put everything internal in order. Take advantage of the force of the new moon, which will close those cycles that you have left open to allow new things to happen and with great potential for you and your business. You will feel the need to meet some friends; take good care of yourself and do not expose yourself.

Horóscopo Agosto 2019

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

During this week, it will be necessary for you to show your best qualities to be the winner in a situation that afflicts you. It is a propitious period to heal deep wounds in everything related to your love past. Do not try to be with anyone to alleviate pain and disappointment.

Horóscopo Semana V Abril

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

A past love could be activated, but be very cautious, as there may be some hoaxes. Invest a little more money in that new business. Do not neglect what in the future could be a sustainable business that generates good income.

Horóscopo Semana II Abril

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

Strengthen your health and your immune system. New job opportunities appear; listen to the contractual proposal and decide after having thought it through very well. Activate your sexual life with that person you want and miss so much; this will make your commitment be formal.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

Take advantage of these days to beautify your home. Relationships with your children are strengthened and you will no longer feel that heavy burden of carrying all the responsibilities alone. When evaluating the responsibility of each person, there will be those who accept them and who do not.


May 12th at 12:42:52 UT The Moon enters Gemini
 15th at 01:30:20 UT The Moon enters Cancer
17th at 12:43:52 UT The Moon enters Leo

The Moon in Gemini: The moon in Gemini will bring you a period of abundance and prosperity, so stay alert to any shocking changes.

The Moon in Cancer: The moon in Cancer opens up the opportunity for you to strengthen relationships with your family and friends. Take your walk in the afternoon with a nice cup of coffee.

The Moon in Leo: The moon in Leo favours all aspects of your health. So if you have felt a little bad, do not hesitate to visit your doctor; your body will thank you with a good functioning.

Weekly Horoscope II May

During this new moon, you will feel the need to be reborn again, the key to everything is putting aside some problems that could be overwhelming you, and deciding that it is the moment to start; remember that it is never too late and the limits are only set by you. So take advantage of this new moon phase and do what you have to do; start a new life cycle.

To achieve the things, you want, start by achieving your purposes and renew your energy; this will allow you to put the past aside and flow into the present, the important thing is that you really purify everything toxic that is affecting you both in your mind and in your body.

You can start by taking care of your skin with different treatments and for this, you can use deep exfoliations if necessary, which clean your face very well and thus you can achieve super clean and healthy skin.

Weekly Horoscope II May: Moment of reflection

Trusting again

Trust is the basis of all relationships in any area of life because if you stop trusting, your life will be full of great frustrations and little progress. It is no secret to anyone that trusting again when you have been hit from behind or betrayed is easy. However, you cannot be on the defensive all the time, attacking everyone before they attack you.

So the most recommended thing is that you start to trust again if you really want to grow and improve. Here is a hard work for your inner self to put aside those bad experiences and so that you can move forward again through trust in others.

To do this, begin to respect each of your values, your ideas and thoughts, which will help you detect and avoid those people that you really must discard from your life and who are not worth being by your side. For that reason, you should be a little more selective when choosing the people who will be by your side.

“Who does not trust enough will not be trustworthy”

Lao Tzu.