Weekly Horoscope III March

Here is the Weekly Horoscope III March. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week II, where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Weekly Horoscope III March

Aries: March 21 to April 20

It is time to put an end to the routine and throw yourself into new experiences, which will make you restart all those activities that had been stopped or paralyzed. An energy of surprising changes revolves around you, especially at workplace and in terms of work plans.

Weekly Horoscope III March

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Those born under Taurus sign are people who are characterized by having their feet on the ground, and this security allows them to always achieve success in everything they undertake. That is why it is important that you surround yourself by good people who add and not subtract. Remember that envy is always present.

Weekly Horoscope III March

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

New ideas will emerge that will make you feel completely satisfied with what you have been planning for your future. You must honour the commitments acquired with financial institutions since otherwise you will look very bad and any kind of loan will not be approved. Take care of your image and your status, do not let others mistrust you. 

Weekly Horoscope III March

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

You will meet an old friend who will bring you excellent news and a very good business proposal to which you will not be able to say no. Take all the financial precautions and if necessary, ask for a loan so that you do not become undercapitalized. Unforgettable moments with your partner and a surprise that you will never forget are coming.

Weekly Horoscope III March

Leo: July 23 to August 23

Pay more attention to your health, you will feel some discomfort in your spine that could warrant some rest for a few days. Likewise, try to get a medical check-up as soon as possible. This week you may start a beautiful adventure with a person very close to you.

Weekly Horoscope III March

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

Try to create an atmosphere of harmony in your home; this will bring you the much-needed peace. Make your home that little gold cup that no one should stain. Stay away from those people who are unsympathetic to you; this does not mean that you should always be right, but rather show more empathy towards what you do.

Horóscopo Semana I Mayo

Libra: September 23 to October 22

Try to solve your problems without turning to anyone, the discipline and balance that characterizes Librans will allow you to act with complete serenity in everything you want to solve. Forget about failed attempts and focus directly on your goals, remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you have to try to get there.

Horóscopo Semana II Noviembre

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

You will begin to feel freer and freer, as you will be able to use and expose all those ideas that always come to your mind, so focus on creating and producing new things that help you evolve. Try to connect with people who develop some artistic ability so that you can feed on them.

Horóscopo Semana I Mayo

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Your slightly murky past may be expecting something in return after a long time. However, you cannot let this interfere with your new endeavours, so make it clear to those people from the past that you are already someone else and that you are not interested in going back to the life you have already put aside. Focus on what really makes you happy.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

Stop comparing yourself with other people, everyone has the life they chose to live; in some cases, those people did badly or well, but it is not your life and you should not assume it as yours. Wait for the right moment to start new well thought out projects, otherwise it will all be improvisation and waste of money.

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

You will be very affectionate with your loved ones; perhaps your nature and sincerity will open the doors to some people who will help you in some situation. You will need to keep your spirits up despite sad times and bumpy days, it is up to you to go ahead or stop at the abyss.

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

You may need to improve your character a bit so that things flow in your life. That is why it is recommended that you think twice before saying something and not blurt out what comes to your mind, as it could harm a friendly and important relationship for you. Even if you feel that you should be alone, it is best to work as a team.


March 21st at 12:17:33 UT The Moon enters Cancer FIRST QUARTER

The Moon in Cancer: The moon in Cancer will give you the clarity you need to see everything in the best light, with its ups and downs, with its triumphs and failures. And that’s what life is about; learning and getting up again if necessary.

The Moon in Leo: The moon in Leo will make you feel more intuitive, which will make you feel great about the mishaps of your day to day. Ask for help when necessary, forget about Leo’s pride, which can make it difficult for you to relate to others.

The Moon in Virgo: The moon in Virgo gives you the opportunity to use your inner perceptions on a work issue that worries you but that will be solved in the best way. Stop telling others about your plans, try to be more reserved.

Weekly Horoscope III March

It is time to make important decisions in your life. Regardless of the fact that you may face some obstacles during this week, the Moon in First Quarter may help you to solve the difficulties; the important thing is that you do not freeze, but that you face those problems by acting quickly to counteract them and thus be able to move forward.

You should not hesitate when making these decisions; always look ahead and with a firm and regal posture. On the other hand, take into account that your projects will begin to develop as you have been planning them; it will be a fruitful week in which you will reap the fruits of a lot of effort, despite these small inconveniences.

These will be favourable days to regain strength and thus assimilate some matters of interest to you much better. It is not recommended that you start a diet at this time, but rather practice a sport that allows you to feel agile and fit. You can also implement daily walks that allow you to be active and thus help your heart.

Weekly Horoscope III March: Moment of reflection

Use the power you have

Everyone has the power to communicate with all living beings since the universe is connected to you. You are a wonderful being who has immense power to communicate everything you want, all that energy is in your solar plexus and is just waiting for you to unleash it.

So it is time to put aside the fear of changing your beliefs and your mind patterns, although many times your own mind tries to block you. Therefore, it is time to use your power and change the thoughts that have built that illusory reality in which you live.

You have the power to heal and heal yourself, do not let others limit you by telling you how far you can go. You are a teacher, so create your own reality, bring light to everyone who needs it and develop the energy of the “I Am”, you will see that you will feel in complete freedom.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”.

Alice walker.