What is Tasseomancy(Caffeomancy)?

Tasseomancy(Caffeomancy) is the art of divining the future through cups of coffee. Since time immemorial, coffee has always been linked to esotericism. The history of coffee or the prediction of the future through coffee cups are clear examples of this. We’ll tell you all about it below! Read on.

Tasseomancy(Caffeomancy): History

There is a certainty about it, the most deeply rooted idea says that this art comes from Persia and Arabia and that it was established in Armenia and surrounding areas before it was established in Europe. Therefore, European travellers, merchants and traders spread this discipline to other countries.

However, the first known work on the subject is by a Florentine soothsayer named Tomas Tamponelli who – in the 17th century – wrote a simple manual on Tasseomancy(Caffeomancy). On the other hand, there is also information that proves that in the courts of the Russian tsars and in the caravanserais (the place where the caravans rested) this practice was undoubtedly very popular.

In Armenia, coffee reading is an art that is part of the culture and tradition, passed down from generation to generation. Consequently, there are no documents about the exact methods and origins of the practice.


Ways to read coffee cups

First, you should know that there are three ways to read coffee cups:

  • – Directly in the cup after you finish your drink,
  • – By tipping the cup onto a plate,
  • – On a white handkerchief to interpret the stain it leaves behind.


Each area where the signs are positioned has its own significance. For example:

The wells that remain at the bottom of the cup speak of the past.

Walls speak of the present.

The edge speaks of the future.

This is a very important detail. It is also said that the bottom or central area of the cup is dedicated to love. The walls are about money and work. While the edges have to do with health. The most important thing is that you have to go with your instinct and be guided by your first impressions.

Tasseomancy(Caffeomancy): The Meaning of Figures


Butterfly: pleasant surprise, unexpected money, improvement in health.

Spider: problems that are difficult to solve, family or legal problems.

Fish: profits, good news.

Birds: renewal and change.


Crosses: Problems will be solved with kindness, generosity and patience.

Sword: justice is on your side.

Ear: you must learn to listen to good advice.

Ray: jealousy, intrigues and conflicts.

Bridge: symbolizes a social or work change.

Horseshoe: luck or a fortunate journey.

Fork: a conflict that is not in your power to resolve.


Sun: lasting happiness.

Moon: strength, optimism and energy. Combined with a spiral it signifies a bad economic period and warns of the need to save and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Squares: typecasting. A single square signifies a successful new business or job.

Arrow: don’t go too fast, think before you go.

Undefined shapes and/or clouds: bad times, dissatisfaction, sadness and even depression. Alert to the need to turn the page.

A key: new opportunities which you must approach with caution.

Hammer: losses in business.

Mushroom: solidarity.

Profile: there is someone who loves you and is also protecting you.

Bell: you will attend a religious event or much awaited positive news.

Grapes: stability, rewards or encouragement.

W: hard times.

V: fight harder in your work, show what you are worth.

Hat: protection, luck.

Number 3: luck in games of chance, pregnancy or the arrival of someone.

Comb: take care of your image. Take care of yourself.

Candles: you have doubts and you must resolve them.

Chains: situation of enchainment. You will only free yourself with faith and courage.

Chair or throne: a new job or a new position in life.

Body parts

Lips: strong attraction to someone, but beware it may not be the right person.

Hand: someone will help you.

Tree: seeking protection

Parallel lines: conformism.

Heart: you have chosen your partner well

Circle: warning to stop and think about an impending change. Several circles are warnings to different problems.

Infinity symbol: or an eight means good luck.

Window: Seeing a window in consequence is an invitation to take a good turn.

An X: be careful with investments and money.

Triangle: Undoubtedly an older and better-off person will help you to improve your position at work.

A human figure: a deceased relative is protecting us.

Flower: proposals of love or friendship.

Star: follow your intuition, you are on the right path.

Circles and squares

Empty circle: Means that your destiny is open. As a result, it may be a test, for example, postponing wedding plans to improve your professional or economic position.

A circle when reading coffee indicates success, it can also be a wedding.

With a dot inside: a baby.

Circle with small lines nearby: Efforts are hindered.

Square: A symbol of protection, comfort, peace.

How to prepare coffee the right way?

Not just any type of coffee is used for the reading of coffee grounds. It must be ground and impalpable. In many places Turkish coffee is used:

1. First, heat the water over a gentle heat and, when it comes to the boil, add one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of coffee to one cup of water.

2. Second, let it boil for a few seconds, stirring in an anti-clockwise direction.

3. Then let it cool down.

4. After that, bring it to a boil again and let it stand over low heat. Then pour the coffee into a cup.

5. Let it steep and drink it slowly, making sure to leave a minimum of liquid.

6. After that, turn the cup upside down on a small plate and rotate it counter clockwise seven times. Then place the cup in the normal position. Ultimately, at the bottom of the cup, the eraser will stick to different parts of the cup. Consequently, creating different shapes and figures that will be the basis of the interpretation.


  • The coffee to be used must be finely ground, and above all, it cannot be instant.
  • To clarify, it can be sweetened with sugar.
  • The coffee should be read in a white cup on the inside, i.e. in such a way that it is easy to distinguish the figures that are formed.
  • The cup should preferably have a wide mouth and straight sides.
  • It certainly requires calmness and concentration, both on the part of the person concerned and on the part of the reader.
  • The images on the bottom represent the past, on the walls the present and on the edge the future.
  • Each image has its meaning, but, no doubt, sometimes the meaning varies according to the place where the image is located.
  • In the same way, the figures can be infinite, as many as the imagination provides. They are frequent: animals, letters, numbers and everyday objects.
  • Images of woman, man, child or some part of the human body also appear frequently.
  • Certainly, figures of various types can coincide with letters and numbers.
  • In the same sense, letters represent the name or nickname of persons, numbers stand for periods of time.
  • IF a figure has letters or numbers nearby, they should be related to each other in giving their meaning.
  • In the same way, no figure should be reinterpreted, the one you see at the first moment is the one that is valid.
  • To clarify: Trying to discover different figures on a second or third observation may affect the interpretation.
  • In short, it is recommended to create an atmosphere of relaxation and concentration in the place where the coffee reading will take place with soft music before starting and/or incense.
