This time we bring you a very interesting topic, the spiritual meaning of owls. Continue reading.

Spiritual meaning of owls

The Owl

The owl is a nocturnal, carnivorous bird that hunts its prey at night. Unlike most animals, the owl cannot move its eyes, which always look straight ahead. To compensate for this, the owl has the ability to rotate its head 270°, which allows it to observe its surroundings very carefully.

This wonderful bird can be found almost anywhere in the world except Antarctica, and they are able to feed on small fish, mice, insects, lizards and other small animals that are available to them. One of the owls’ curiosities lies in the way they hunt: these animals have excellent night vision, and they are wary of stalking animals, so they grab them on the first try, being very careful to make noise.

Spiritual meaning of owls

The owl has a biblical meaning, they refer to this species as unclean animals that are considered unfit to be eaten by people, another of its meanings is that they are animals of ruin and misery. In the following article we will know a little more about the spiritual meaning of owls according to the Holy Scriptures.

The owl as an animal of power

The owl as an animal of power is closely related to the night, the moon and the shadows.

It chooses to guide people who need to see beyond the evidence, read between the lines, decipher the truth…. Those who have the owl in their totem are extremely intuitive and miss nothing. They are rarely fooled by appearances and are able to see through the wall of the physical. Protectors of the owl look directly into your soul and discover the root of your motivations.

Their territory is the night. They thrive like fish in water, in the blackness of darkness and the realm of silence. Not for nothing have they always been recognized as the precious companion of witches and wizards.

Spiritual significance of owls in the Bible

Owls in Palestine can be seen or located in trees and bushes, but they also live in abandoned structures in desolate and lonely places. The Arabic name for this type of bird is the Owl, which literally means “mother of ruins.”

In the book of Psalms 102, the psalmist refers to himself as a little owl of desolate places because of the lonely affliction he was going through at the time. (Psalms 102: 6)

In the case of the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy, he describes the desolate end of the city of Edom, making mention of the owls that dwelt there and symbolized the desolate ruin that the nation was about to become. The nation of Edom and the Edomite inhabitants, per se, completely ceased to exist.

Significado espiritual de los búhos

Connection with other worlds

Many cultures have also connected them to the world of the dead. The Celts believed that owls were responsible for accompanying souls on their journey to the afterlife. They represent sacred knowledge and the gateway to other dimensions and realities. They help us face the darkness in our lives and leave the past behind, focusing on a brighter and more hopeful future.


As with all other prey animals, discretion becomes a key weapon. The owl has exceptionally developed senses of sight and hearing to ensure its survival. If you imitate it and focus on your surroundings, you will become more powerful. Its hypnotic eyes are located on the front of its head and it increases its field of vision thanks to the ability of its neck to rotate. Contemplating reality from different approaches will allow you to give it new meanings.

In short, if the owl has appeared in your life, it is for you to trust your intuition and discover the power of clairvoyance. Those who can listen are the ones who learn the most. Leave the noise and din for others and seek wisdom in the silence. There is great potential for learning for those who dare to see as well as look.

Mythological meaning of the owl

The owl has been considered an animal of power since the earliest cultures such as classical Greece, ancient Egypt, in Europe with the Celts, and even in Hindu culture, among many others. In each of them it has had a great importance:


In ancient Greece, the owl had great power and was associated with wisdom. For this reason, its image was used to represent the goddess Athena, to whom the same quality was attributed. The owl also appeared on some Greco-Roman coins to represent intelligence, but also status and wealth.

Ancient Egypt

In this culture, the owl had the function of protecting the dead and guarding the underworld.


In Celtic culture, the owl had a very similar meaning to that of ancient Egypt and was thought to be the guardian of the night and the one who watched over souls, being able to see them. Later, in the Middle Ages, it became the symbol of priestesses, always being associated with witches and wizards who took its form to access places they could not physically enter as people.

Hindu Culture

Despite the geographical distance from Europe and Egypt, the owl was also considered in this culture a guardian of the spirits.


On this continent, the main cultures considered the owl as a sage, including the knowledge of hidden secrets, and as a guardian of all that is sacred. In addition, it was an animal that warned them of weather conditions. It has also always been closely associated with shamans for rituals.


In this continent, the owl was considered an animal of power. A perception that was not unique to ancient Egypt. In general, it was attributed with the ability to be a messenger of secrets.


In Aboriginal cultures, the owl has always been the companion of witches, magicians and seers. In addition, it has been used in rituals and even treatments to heal people.

Spiritual significance of owls: companion of witches

The owl is still considered the companion of witches, sharing a unique spiritual communication between them, and also sharing the same secret powers of the night. Today, the owl is often used as a symbol of education, and is used as a mascot for graduation.

Many cultures have associated the following meanings with the owl:

Intelligence, brilliance, wisdom, power, knowledge, intuition, messages, mysticism, mystery, unconscious and silent observation, independence, protection, courage, transition, longevity, and reincarnation.