Weekly Horoscope II June

Here is the Weekly Horoscope II June. Check your Horoscope corresponding to week II June where you will get the best predictions, so you can make the right decisions during the week.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Aries: March 21 to April 20

You will be a bit affected by the annular solar eclipse phenomenon and therefore your mood could fluctuate from optimism to pessimism in fractions of seconds. Therefore, you will need to quickly replenish your energy level. Try to do some recreational activity such as music, theatre, dance, meditation, among others.

Horóscopo Semanal II Junio

Taurus: April 21 to May 20

Thanks to that mysterious ease that you have to see things in all their dimensions, you may be in a position beyond suffering, so your courage will allow you to face some issues that, at another time, would have been difficult for you to assume and overcome with so much ease.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Doors and paths will open for you to reach the goal that you have set at this time. You won’t have any trouble making money, so be ready to hear some thoughts on how to invest your money. Take into account that you have the last word.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

New romantic emotions will interfere with your good judgment, so act wisely and gradually deal with those feelings that invade your thoughts. It will be favourable to do some kind of social life, complete isolation is not a good friend of mental health.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Leo: July 23 to August 23

It will be a favourable week for you to make some decisions regarding the acquisition of a property. You will feel more sensitive than normal, so your relationship could be more extreme. It is necessary that you control yourself and do not argue so much about those matters about which you are not right.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Virgo: August 24 to September 22

It’s the perfect week to indulge yourself, spoil yourself with a gift or by sharing with your loved ones. Take into account that you must assess your family so that your children see the example that you want to mark in them.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Libra: September 23 to October 22

You will have the possibility to create a new artistic project in which people important to you may be involved. Never lose heart in what you want for your future, put all your effort into achieving it and you will see the rewards sooner than you know.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22

You lack a bit of clarity on some financial matters, so keep an eye out for any stock increase or any sale of personal property. Ask for advice if you do not have the clear possibilities to invest, remember that it is important to win-win and avoid any disastrous losses.

Weekly Horoscope II June

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21

Sometimes you feel like you are losing your freedom and you don’t like that. This is not about losing your freedom, but about adapting and reprogramming your brain to accept this new way of living, so you will need to learn to read between the lines and understand that not all people are the same.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19

You are feeling inspired right now, perhaps the New Moon may be sending you these messages. Don’t waste your creativity by worrying too much about details. Live and let live. New experiences will come to your life that could strengthen your love union.

Horóscopo Semana II Abril

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18

This will be a perfect week to think and reflect, specifically on your work situation. It is important that you give 100% in your work, but you should never neglect your family nucleus, so it is time to encourage walks, meetings that reactivate that strong bond that exists.

Horóscopo Semana V Abril

Pisces: February 19 to March 20

You will want to change your education career towards something more practical and less theoretical. Evaluate all the options you have on the table and from there, try to make a decision that favours you. Don’t be tormented by fear and insecurity in some areas of your life.


10th at 10:52:35 UT new moon

11th at 07:22:27 UT The Moon enters Cancer
13th at 18:22:23 UT The Moon enters Leo
16th at 03:01:56 UT The Moon enters Virgo

The Moon in Cancer: The moon in Cancer will put you in front of a situation that will require an almost immediate decision, just think things over before acting hastily, without much delay.

Moon in Leo: The moon in Leo will affect your intuitive and emotional part a bit, so it is time to be more objective than subjective so that you can face some important moments in your life with courage.

The Moon in Virgo: The moon in Virgo appears to help you be more empathetic with others. Sometimes it is necessary to put yourself in others’ shoes to understand certain situations and not to judge.

Weekly Horoscope II June

It will be a week with a lot of energetic movement since during this moon phase, the annular solar eclipse, also known as the “ring of fire”, will be observed, which will coincide with the solstice, just the same day when the New Moon enters, which will be on June 10th. There could be some strong natural events or situations with large numbers of people.

The most advisable thing is to avoid any beginning of what you set out since it is not the time to do it. Avoid making important decisions during this week or focusing on new offers from third parties because solar eclipses are accompanied by confusing and unclear situations.

Times of changes will come in your life, it could well be a break or specifically changes at work level, which could favour you at this time when you feel you have little personal power, or perhaps you feel a little lost or altered. To do this, it will be necessary to strengthen your emotional capacity and thus overcome obstacles.

Weekly Horoscope II June: Moment of reflection

Have the necessary value

To be brave, it is not necessary to be a fighter or the superhero of some movie; being brave implies facing each day of your life learning to live with each of the circumstances that arise, facing the pain and fear that you may feel before a certain situation.

When you have the courage to do and say what is right, then you will have found the inner strength you need to keep going in the face of adversity. No matter how great these difficulties that life may present you are, rest assured that you can overcome them with perseverance and the energy that comes from within each person.

In many cases, remember that your reality has become the best companion to find value, and only with the acceptance to recognize what you fear or hurt, will you be able to move forward. In addition, it is important that you make the decision and full awareness to want to overcome any difficulties.

“Courage is when you enter a battle that you are not sure of winning.

Jeffrey Fry.